Ushio Europe
Home » Thank you for visiting us at Cine Europe 2016

Thank you for visiting us at Cine Europe 2016

We would like to thank you for spending your time visiting our booth at Cine Europe 2016, held in Barcelona. It was our pleasure and honor and we enjoyed many inspiring conversations. We were impressed by the number of visitors and the great responses we had to our beach lounge booth.

We consider our participation in Cine Europe 2016 to have been a success and thanks to you, the number of visitors exceeded all our expectations.

If you have further inquiries or would like more information about our products, please feel free to contact us.

Attending Cine Europe 2016 has been a great experience and we hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did. We are looking forward to taking this journey ahead and are already excited about next year.

Ushio Cinema Team